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MegaSun Lamp Variations
The standard MegaSun lamp is over three inches in diameter to withstand the impulse from a 10 kJ short pulse and still survive for many flashes.

Some tests require different lamp configurations instead of, or in addition to, the standard lamps in a typical three-lamp setup. Examples include:
>2" diameter lamp successfully used in an underground test
>1.75" lamp
>1.5" diameter lamp with a reservoir
>3" diameter thick-walled lamp for 15 kJ pulses
>Area (multiple streamer) discharge
>Shaped plasmas

Longer lamps of 18", 24" and 30" have been successfully fired with the system; the total arc length of the longest sequence tested was 54". For a different application, we combined five lamps (each with a 1.5" diameter) to yield a compact set of lamps with a 6" x 6" radiating area.

Other lamp variations include fused silica lamps for long lifetime (survivable only with lower power, longer pulses).

Please let us know: Which lamp variations would you find useful and why?

Also Under Development
> Mini MegaSun
> Flash Bulb Replacement
> Integrated Digital Camera/Multiflash Light Source

  Fig. 1: MegaSun lamps come in many variations.
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