The Nevada Test Site serves as a massive outdoor
laboratory and experiment center. The site, which hosts activities such as hazardous chemical
spill testing, emergency response training and conventional weapons testing, includes the U1a
Experimental Facility and Big Explosives Experimental Facility (BEEF).
A pair of 10 kJ, 65 µs MegaSun systems have been used to conduct more than 1500 tests
(mostly dry runs) in preparation for, and performance of, a successful underground test of
material response to shock waves. The underground tests require special two-inch diameter
lamps to fit in the tightly constrained test area.
Many of the tests have used lamps arranged to provide two simultaneous views of the same event.
Example aboveground tests include two views (each shows selected photos from a sequence):
Fig. 1: Front view, illuminated by one of three lamps, of material response to shock loading.
Fig. 2: Shadowgraph, using two remaining lamps of three-lamp sequence, of material response.
Another example aboveground test (not pictured) provides two views that are separated slightly
in place and time: Two lamps illuminate an exploding shaped charge filmed with two Cordin 126
cameras in tandem to provide a record at 2 million fps. The other two lamps
illuminate the jet, which is filmed with a continuous-access Cordin 140 camera at 1 million fps.