What's New at Prism
About Prism
The Spot Flash
Under Development
High-Repetition-Rate Large-Area Strobe
MegaSun Lamp Variations
Mini MegaSun
Flash Bulb Replacement
Integrated Digital Camera/Multiflash Light Source
Other Services
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Products Under Development
At Prism Science Works, we have successfully demonstrated several unique illumination sources in the laboratory that we have not yet converted to products.

Each of these products will be much more compact and user-friendly than the corresponding laboratory system. However, to control costs, the products will be limited to a smaller parameter range than the flexible laboratory systems.

We invite your input in helping us choose the most important parameters in customizing a product for your needs. The following are some of the systems we have under development:

> MegaSun Lamp Variations
> Mini MegaSun
> Flash Bulb Replacement
> Integrated Digital Camera/Multiflash Light Source